

The class was divided into groups and each person wrote on sticky notes social classifications in Egypt. For example, who has more privilege, lighter or darker skinned people? Everyone was assigned different characteristics and according to those characteristics they would determine whether or not they were privileged in a given situation. If they had this privilege, they could talk a step forward. If not, they would have to take a step back. Consequently, there were people way at the front of the class and other far back.

The class also saw an open AI detector. However, it was not very accurate. This is very troublesome especially in the educational field because this means that students could either do all their work in their own and be accused of using AI even though they didn’t. Or, teachers would realize this and simply not care whether or not students used AI. This could potentially lead to unfairness in the educational system. A student could get a 4.0 GPA and not open a single book.

The last thing the class discussed was intersectionality. it means that many social classifications are interrelated together. I didn’t really understand what this meant from my classmates so I had to do my own Googling. According to my source: Intersectionality is the acknowledgement that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression and we must consider everything and anything that can marginalize people – gender, race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. I found this image online which illustrates it very well

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